3 Tips For Removing Wax From Leather Upholstery Like A Pro
When you have leather upholstery, you want to take the best possible care of it to ensure that you keep your furniture looking great. However, accidents do happen, and if you’re like most people, you probably have at least one scratch or scuff on your furniture from an unfortunate encounter with a candle or another hot object in your house. If this has happened to you, or if it just happens out of the blue without explanation, here are three tips for removing wax from leather upholstery like a pro!
1) Use a putty knife to scrape off as much wax as possible.
1. Use a putty knife to scrape off as much wax as possible From leather upholstery like a pro.
2. Apply baby oil to the area and work it in with your fingers or an old toothbrush. (eight sentences) From leather upholstery like a pro.
3. Cover the soiled area with some aluminum foil, place some hot coals on top, and let the heat do its thing—you’ll be able to hear when it’s time to remove them because they will have stopped sizzling and smoking after about 20 minutes; don’t leave them in any longer than that or you risk burning the leather. (four sentences)
2) Absorb the remaining wax with a dry cloth.
1. Absorb the remaining wax with a dry cloth.
2. Apply heavy pressure and use circular motions to help speed up the process.
3. Use light taps with the cloth to remove any remaining residue from the surface of the leather upholstery.
4. Dry off the excess moisture by pressing a clean, absorbent towel on top of the area to be dried.
5. Avoid using your fingers, as they may leave oils behind on the surface of your furniture which could cause discoloration or other damages over time.
6. After completely removing all moisture from the leather upholstery cleaning, apply a few drops of an appropriate leather conditioner if desired (depending on whether you want it to look like new or simply maintain its current appearance).
3) Use a leather cleaner/conditioner to remove the last traces of wax and restore shine.
The last step is to use a leather cleaner or conditioner to remove the last traces of wax and restore shine. If you’re using a cleaner, spray on the solution or make it into a paste with water and rub it in with your hands. Allow the cleaner to sit on the surface for 5 minutes before wiping off. If you’re using conditioner, just apply it liberally and wipe off any excess. Repeat until wax has been removed from the leather upholstery like a pro!
Test the Product on an inconspicuous Area
Leather upholstery is usually one of the most expensive things in your home and it’s unfortunate when you’re in desperate need to remove wax from leather upholstery like a pro. But don’t worry! There are some tricks that can help you get the job done quickly, safely, and with minimal effort.
1) If you have any furniture polish on hand, rub it into the waxed area of your furniture with a clean cloth. This will help loosen and break down the wax so that it can be removed more easily later. 2) Apply heat to the leather using hair dryer or iron to soften the wax more quickly.
Wipe Off the Product
If you’ve just completed a car detailing, chances are you’ll have wax on your upholstery. While your car’s exterior is protected by paint, the same can’t be said about its interior. Wax may look nice and shiny but it can leave an unwanted residue on leather upholstery that’s not easy to remove.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to clean off wax from leather upholstery like a pro, so if you’re in need of some inspiration before tackling this project yourself take a look at these three tried-and-true tips
Protect the leather
Leather is gorgeous, but it can be complicated to keep clean and maintain. Wax from candles, furniture polish, and other household products can build up on the surface of leather upholstery, leaving an unsightly residue that’s difficult to remove. The good news is that there are several ways you can safely clean wax from leather upholstery like a pro!
1) Apply several drops of dish soap to your cloth or sponge and rub it over the wax stains with some water. This will break down the wax into smaller pieces so they’re easier to wipe away.
2) Try adding 1 cup of white vinegar to 2 cups of warm water in a bowl or bucket and mix until it’s dissolved.