The Full Story of AI (Artificial Intelligence)
The process of developing artificial intelligence may seem to be an enigma and a difficult subject for those. Who doesn’t know about the subject of computer science and its subsets?
It’s amazing how mysterious and unattainable artificial intelligence can seem when examined. It’s much easier to understand than you’d think.
The Story of Artificial Intelligence
The invention of artificial intelligence was first noticed in the past. Philosophers debated the idea that artificial human beings, machines, or even other automatons had existed in some manner.
Philosophers debated on how human thought could be transformed into automated mechanization as well as controlled by machines. This was non-human and intelligent. AI is a thinking process. Interest in AI began when mathematicians and philosophers from the past. The logicians were pondering how to manipulate symbols (mechanically) which eventually led to the development of the computer. The invention was a catalyst for researchers to look into the idea of creating”the “electronic mentality,” which is a computer-generated being.
Ten years had passed before the icons of AI have contributed to the research of the field that we are in today.
Beginning in the 1950s and onwards From the 1950s to The Present
Many researchers, programmers, theorists, and logicians created the current understanding of Artificial Intelligence in general. Each decade brought new developments and breakthroughs that transformed the basic understanding of humans in the field of artificial intelligence. What technological advances of the past made AI go from an unknown possibility to becoming an actual reality for coming and future generations.
Significant Developments In The Field of Artificial Intelligence
It’s not shocking that AI was growing rapidly after 1900. The most shocking part is the sheer number of people who were thinking about AI for several centuries before we even had a word to define the concepts they were considering.
AI In The Period 1900 to 1950
Declared that when the 1900s rolled around the corner the speed at which technology for artificial intelligence grew important.
1921 Karel Capek, the Czech playwright, wrote his science-fiction work “Rossum’s Universal Robots” (English translation). It was the first mention of the concept. Since then the public began to adopt the “robot” concept seriously and incorporate it into their art, studies, and other research.
1927 A sci-fi film Metropolis composed by Fritz Lang, featured a robot that was physically indistinguishable from its human-like counterparts in the perspective on which it was based. The intelligent robot smacks the town, devastating the futuristic Berlin. What is significant about this movie is that it is the first film to show robotic characters and also inspired other famous non-human characters like C-P30, from Star Wars.
AI in the 50s
The 1950s were the period when numerous advancements in the field of artificial Intelligence were realized due to the increase of research-based discoveries related to AI by a range of computer scientists as well as other researchers.
1950 Claude Shannon, “the pioneer of information theory” published programming the Computer to Play Chess” which was the first publication to study the development of a computer-based program that was used for playing Chess. Alan Turing published “Computing Machines and Intelligence” which proposed the idea of The Imitation Game – a question asking if machines could think. The concept was later developed into Turing Test. Turing Testwhichmeasuredd the machine’s (artificial) intelligence. Turing’s work evaluated machines’ capability to think the same way humans do. Turing’s test became a crucial element in the process of development. Turing tests were a crucial element of the concept of artificial intelligence. It is a discussion on the concept of consciousness, intelligence, as well as the abilities of machines.
1952 Arthur Samuel, an engineer in the field of computer science, created the first software program for computers designed to play checkers. It was the first program on computers that independently learned to use games.
1955 Allen Newell (researcher), and Herbert Simon (economist) together alongside Cliff Shaw (programmer) co-authored Logic Theorist, the first artificial intelligence computer program.
1959 Samuel created the concept of “machine learning about programming computer systems to be able to play games better than the human that created the program.
AI in the 60s
The artificial intelligence field was growing rapidly through the 1960s. The invention of brand-new programming languages as well as the development of robots, automatons research, and even movies that demonstrated the rise of artificial intelligence gained attention. This was a massive sign of the significance of AI in the latter decade of the 20th century.
1961 Unimate: an industrial robot developed by George Devol in the 1950s was the first machine to work within the General Motors assembly line in New Jersey.
1961 James Slagle, computer scientist, and professor of computer science developed SAINT (Symbolic Automatic Integrator) which was an algorithmic, problem-solving, heuristic program that focused on the symbolic integration of calculus for freshmen students.
1964 Daniel Bobrow, a computer scientist, created STUDENT which was the initial AI program written in Lisp that solved algebraic word problems.
1965Joseph Weizenbaho worked as a computer scientist at the university and helped an interoperable computer software that was able to communicate with English in a person-to-person manner. The purpose of Weizenbaum was to illustrate how the communication between a computer and the human brain can be described as “superficial,” but discovered the anthropomorphic traits of a lot of people with the Eliza.
AI Between 2000 and 2010.
The year 2000 was in the making and, even after the fear of Y2K had gone away, AI continued to grow.
2000The Year Issue of 2000 often referred to as the problem of 2000, was a class of computer-related bugs that impacted the way to create and store calendar data on electronic devices. It all started at the beginning of January 1st, 2000.
2001 Professor. Cynthia Breazeal developed Kismet the robot which could identify and replicate emotions by its facial expressions.
The year 2000 marks the time when Honda introduces ASIMO an intelligent robot that is artificially designed to be human.
2002: i-Robot released Roomba the robot vacuum cleaner which removes dirt while staying clear of obstructions.
2009. Google has secretly developed a driverless vehicle. It was in 2014 that the vehicle passed Nevada’s test to test self-driving.