Advantage & Disadvantage of Fingerprint Technology
Fingerprint technology relies on an optical image of a person’s finger. A special sensor
compares the ridges and valleys of the finger with a database of previously scanned
fingerprints. If the ridges and valleys match, the fingerprint matches the database and
unlocks the device. The technology can be quite expensive, but it is worth it if you’re
concerned about security. You’ll be surprised to know how quickly fingerprint scanning can
unlock your smartphone.
There are several advantages to fingerprint technology. First, the scanner can quickly
determine if a fingerprint is identical to another. Another advantage of fingerprint scanners is
that they can identify people even if their finger is off-center, and partial prints are also
possible. Additionally, you can use fingerprint technology on your devices more effectively if
you have a Spectrum movile plan or any other from your local ISP. Here are some of the
advantages and disadvantages of fingerprint technology:
Advantages of Fingerprint Technology
The advantages of fingerprint technology are numerous. The convenience factor is obvious.
No need to remember multiple passwords. You don’t have to worry about "buddy-punching,"
which can happen when you have the wrong password. In addition, this security feature is
non-transferable and non-repudiable. This technology is ideal for public places, such as
airports and hotels. However, some people still prefer to use passwords in other situations.
#1. Reduces the Hassle of Remembering Multiple Passwords
Fingerprint technology is a convenient way to sign into multiple websites without memorizing
multiple passwords. However, you must be careful, as fingerprint recognition relies on a
digital system to store and match the fingerprint data. If the system fails, you may be locked
out of your account. Power outages are common in some areas, and natural disasters can
cause significant upheavals. As a result, it’s necessary to have a backup identity verification
#2. Difficult to Counterfeit
When it comes to security, fingerprint biometrics is considered to be an excellent method of
protection. It works well in multifactor authentication and dual-factor authentication models.
Fingerprints are non-transferable, never lost, and are difficult to counterfeit. They can also
help in ensuring greater accountability.
Unlike passwords and social security numbers, fingerprints cannot be transferred from
person to person. The security benefits of fingerprint biometrics make it a desirable option
for many organizations.
#3. Is Non-repudiable
Biometric authentication is a great way to ensure that your online transactions are safe and
secure. This technology uses biometric data to tie a natural person to a particular computing
session. It is a highly effective security method and has several benefits for businesses. It is
also more convenient than traditional methods. A biometric authentication system will always
recognize the same fingerprint, which helps you secure more data.
Disadvantages of Fingerprint Technology
While fingerprint technology has many benefits, it also comes with some disadvantages.
Fingerprint technology is not suited for everyone, and those with disabilities or cognitive
impairments may have difficulties using it. Despite these limitations, technologists are
constantly working to make fingerprint recognition technology more widely accessible and
#1. Cost
A fingerprint scanner uses an image of the fingerprint and can be used to identify people
quickly and efficiently. The device also allows for fast identification, making it perfect for
hospitals and other businesses. However, the initial cost of fingerprint technology is higher
than iris recognition technology, so organizations must allocate a larger budget for the
process. For small businesses and government agencies, this isn’t an issue. However, this
can be a problem for larger organizations with high customer service commitments.
#2. Often Lead to Errors
The reliability of fingerprint technology is essential for people who want to use this
technology for identification purposes. Because fingerprints are unique, the system’s
accuracy will not be perfect, leading to errors. This is known as a "type 1 error". A statistical
error occurs when the system rejects the null hypothesis, which is the likelihood that the
fingerprint belongs to the person authenticating it.
#3. Scanner Issues
If there is even a slight alteration, some biometric systems may experience scanning
troubles, primarily if the business uses retina scanning. The device will malfunction if the
user has long eyelashes, eye colors, or a reflection in the cornea, making iris
scanning less trustworthy than it formerly was.
Despite the privacy risks, biometric technology is becoming increasingly common as an
authentication method. Biometric applications are becoming more sophisticated, and
security are protocol being updated to accommodate them. While traditional identity
management methods such as passwords and multifactor authentication (MFA) are practical
and convenient, they risk users’ privacy. Fingerprint technology is more secure than MFA
and passwords.